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Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Mosaic Miami

Mosaic Miami


O U R  S T A F F

Virginia Novaes

Virginia Novaes has always had a very close connection with the elderly. While working with seniors as a Physical therapist Assistant and Massage therapist she is always keen to listen to their stories -some happy, some sad- All inspirational and full of wisdom.

Passionate about caring for others, she learned the beauty of life in community, growing up in a big family in Brazil , where, from immediate families to neighbors and elderly, all had a saying on the youngsters being raised.

Her motto in life is “Do your share!”. She believes you don’t need to carry the world on your shoulders, but if each one of us , younger and older, reaches out to just one person, life becomes even more meaningful.

Joseph Watkins

Joseph became interested in starting a nonprofit after participating in many after school programs and summer camps teaching Cultural Arts. As a practitioner of Capoeira Angola he has taught many youth programs in California, Atlanta, and presently Miami. As the co-founder and President of Mosaic, Joseph feels passionate about uplifting the community where he lives. His inspiration comes from witnessing the elevation of those he comes in contact with. In the early 2000’s Joseph began a Capoeira Angola group under the tutelage of Mestre Cobra Mansa and the International Capoeira Angola Foundation.  Highlights in his career consist of developing study groups for the Emory University Dance Program and Georgia State University Recreation Department in Atlanta GA. Being attracted to many art forms Joseph is also a certified yoga instructor. He received his 300hr Yoga certification right here in Miami, FL with Gaia Budhai and Synergy Yoga. Joseph believes that through the practice of yoga we are shown how the healing factor is possible within our society. He is an accomplished triathlete who would like to see more participation from urban city youth in the disciplines of swimming, biking, and running. He enjoys camping, hiking, and kayaking on the weekend.

Jason Jones

Jason Jones received a Masters in Design & Media Management from Miami International University of Art & Design and is currently studying to receive a Masters of Business Administration from Florida International University. He has worked in the non-profit sector with over 20 years experience. He was a Cultural Arts instructor at the Fulton County Southwest Arts Center for 7 years. He has worked for Non-Profits such as The Study Hall at Emmaus House teaching Cultural Arts to youth and adolescents in high risk environments. He was a resident Cultural Arts instructor for the Ben Carson Science Camp for over 4 years. Cultural Arts has been a vehicle and platform he has used to perform community and volunteer work with the FICA Atlanta Study Group as the resident youth instructor.

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