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Mosaic Miami

Mosaic Miami


A B O U T   U S

We are a community educational resource center where local participants are encouraged to learn organic gardening, green environmental practices, fitness, martial arts, yoga, and other international disciplines that promote well-being and the understanding of different cultures.


Mosaic Miami has a diverse range of backgrounds and skill sets, but we share a common passion for bringing positive and sustainable change for our community. Mosaic Miami empowers each participant to engage in the many cultures of the world and inspire a commitment to positive social change. 


 Our partners are changemakers with ideas that have transformative potential and can lead us to uncover new, more impactful ways to cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in South Florida. 


Our work is to cultivate vibrant communities by providing platform that builds positive 

relationships, where participants are key contributors to their community and where their participation is visible and valued for their impact. We accomplish this by creating simple, practical, healthy solutions to promote well-being and embracing and celebrating diversity within the cultural arts community. Our programs support our goal to help create a local cultural movement.


Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - Martin Luther King Jr.




Copyright © 2018 MOSAIC MIAMI A Cultural & Healing Arts Collective, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
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